As an expert property dealer in Rohini Sector 36, our mission is to serve high-quality services in your budget and maintain 100% transparency by conducting direct buyer and seller meetings. Adobe Housing is fully equipped with all the tools, expertise, and knowledge required by the real estate industry. Our unique state-of-the-art system enables us to rule out critically dangerous property options available in the market. Our in-depth property market research, market analysis, buying and selling trends, and current and futuristic development status updates of Rohini Sector 36 can help property buyers and sellers make a prudent decision.
✔Property Buying and Selling: As expert Rohini Sector 36 Property Dealer, We offer high-quality professional property buying and selling services in Rohini Sector 36 and offer property options at competitive rates to maintain our trust and presence in the market.
✔ Consulting: Our consultation on behalf of our in-depth market research, experience, and updates helps our clients make fruitful property buying and selling decisions.
✔ Exploring and offering property options:
For buyers: After consultation, we come to know about the client's requirements, and we explore property options accordingly and always try to offer them the best in-market property options at affordable rates.
For Sellers: When sellers of a plot in Rohini Sector 36 want to sell their property, we offer their property to our property buyers and execute the deal as early as possible for both parties.
✔ Quality property options at competitive rates: We explore the best in-market property options and offer them at the correct prices and always try to eradicate the threatening property options present in the market.
✔ We arrange physical and digital side visits for better understanding of property location and nearby area.
✔ To maintain 100% transparency, we always conduct direct buyer and seller meetings, and we also ensure a successful deal closure by assisting in a healthy and fruitful negotiation between the buyer and seller of the property.
✔ Instant payments: We always have ready buyers of property who can make 2 to 30 days of instant payments.
✔ Finalisation of the property deal:
1) Token or earnest payment: After finalisation of property, we get the copy of the property document to cross-verify the documents from various concerned authorities like DDA and the registrar's office. This is a paid service, and we suggest you opt for the service for maximum security, as huge money is involved in the property deal.
1a) Cross-verification of documents (paid): We provide intensive and in-depth cross-verification of documents to nullify any potential threat. This phase of cross-verification is conducted by our retired Class 1 officers from DDA. We always suggest our clients opt for this service because a large amount of money is involved in buying and selling property.
2) Agreement to sell: Our expertise is to make a powerful agreement to sell to bind both parties under the court of law and prefer to write all the promises made at the time of execution of the agreement on the agreement so that there will be no scope of disagreement between the buyer and seller of the property.
Important tips to consider during Agreement to sell:
At the time of the agreement to sell, we generally pay 10% of the total deal. We should pay money via digital platform only.
Take fingerprints on the agreement to sell with the signature of both parties at the time of the agreement to sell.
✔ Easy bank loans: We have tied up with many private and public banks for faster and easy loan approvals like SBI (State Bank of India), HDFC, Canara Bank, and ICICI bank.
✔ Safer payments : We make sure that full and final payment before registry is made in safest mode on or before the day of registry.
✔ Registration of property : Our expert team executes this phase and makes this process faster, easier, and hassle-free.
✔ Our International presence : Clients from various countries connect with us for buying and selling property in Sector 36, Rohini. We help them in buying and selling property in Rohini Sector 36 and also guide them on how to sell property from abroad using tools like SPA (Special Power of Attorney) and GPA (General Power of Attorney).
✔ We also handle SPA (special power of attorney), GPA (general power of attorney), and gift deed cases.
✔ Strongest property network : Our state-of-the-art system enables us to fetch quality property options at the right price within 30 minutes.
✔ Expert Team of Retired DDA Officers : Our expert team of retired Class 1 officers from DDA are masters of documentation and help in eliminating any potential threats in documents and also in the faster execution of property documentations in DDA as well.
We work as expert property dealer in Rohini Sector 36 and offer professional property buying and selling services in Rohini Sector 36. We serve updated Sector 36 Rohini property insights on behalf of our in-depth property research, excellent knowledge, price analysis, property buying and selling trends, demand and supply trends, futuristic development, and upcoming project announcements by the government authorities, concrete information of Rohini Sector 36, and nearby areas.
We are always into Rohini Sector 36 property market research and always equipped with the correct market insights and trends. We guide our valuable customers to make correct decisions after doing in-depth analysis of property and analysing all factors.
Instant Payments: Our "no margin policy" enables us to make faster payments. We always have clients who are willing to pay as quick as possible, like in 2-30 days faster payments.
Strongest property network : Our "state-of-the-art" property network makes us stronger and enables us to fetch desired property from any nook and corner within 30 minutes.
Easy Bank Loan: We are tied up with many public and private banks like SBI, ICICI, HDFC, and Canara for easy and faster loan approvals.
Expert team of retired officers: Our expert team of retired Class 1 officers from DDA can help our clients from potential threats and are the masters of documents as well.
Our Global Services: We help our customers from all over the world in buying and selling property and also handle cases like SPA (Special Power of Attorney), GPA (General Power of Attorney), and gift deeds.
Our in-depth research: Our in-depth market research, property demand & supply trends updates, updates on factors affecting the property market, updates on existing and upcoming projects, and buyer's and seller's interests help us in making a justified and prudent decision for buyers and sellers as well.
Plot pair (Joda) formation: We help in making pair (joda) of plots at affordable rates.
We follow the following methods to maintain 100% transparency and safety of our clients.
1) Consultations: We think that the safety of the client's money is the first target and profit is second. So, we are always updated and ready to give any answers to our clients and provide them with free, best-in-market consultations and help them in taking prudent decisions about buying, selling, and keeping a property.
2) Physical and digital site visits: To have a perfect idea of the property, we take our clients to the actual site and give them an overview of nearby areas, existing and futuristic developments, and assurance to clients that their money is safe and will produce fruitful results as well.
3) On-demand property search: We explore property according to our client's needs and desires and provide them all the options that are hidden from all eyes.
4) Direct buyer and seller meetings: For 100% transparency, we always try to conduct direct buyer and seller meetings. We suggest the buyer and seller of the property meet directly because of the following reasons:
a) To maintain 100% transparency.
b) To stop the property dealer's margin.
c) To identify and know each other.
d) To have an idea of each other's intent.
e) For healthy negotations and avoid miscommunications.
f) To verify that the person is the actual owner of the property by cross-checking the identity.
g) To cross-verify the documents.
h) To set the accountability of the buyer, seller, and the property agent as well.
i) It helps in making a strong agreement to sell and writing all the promises made on the agreement according to the court of law.
An agreement to sell is the heart of any property deal and a perfect Rohini Sector 36 property dealer is one who can binds the buyer and seller of the property with the court of law. It is an art of writing all the rules and regulations and promises made at the time of Bayana. There are a few things that must be followed at the time of agreement:
a) A perfectly designed agreement to sell can bind both buyer and seller of property under the rules and regulations made by the court of law. So it is advised to make a perfect agreement and write all the rules and regulations only after the approval from both parties.
b) The agreement to sell is always made after the token or upfront money is given. It is recommended to get a copy of all the documents to cross-verify them and to brainstorm at the time of the token.
c) The agreement to sell is made and signed at the time of Bayana. So, it is recommended to pay the bayana by cheque, draft, or any other electronic method to have an electronic proof of payment in the records of the bank as well, and don't forget to mention it on the agreement as well.
d) It is recommended to get the thumb and fingerprint impressions to avoid duplicity or forgery of the signature.
e) We recommend buyers opt for a bank loan so that they have a partnership with the bank in cross-checking the documents, and also in case of any problem from the seller's end, the bank will help in fighting the case against the seller as well.
We provide a copy of registry documents after finalisation to cross-check any error in it.
Money Transfer and Transaction: We suggest all buyers kindly clear their cash dues before the registry and the seller kindly clear all the pending dues like electricity bill, water bill, and house tax before the registry.
Buyers of property should opt for a bank draft, which is slightly more expensive but the safest way to clear your cheque payments.
The seller must bring all the original documents to hand them over to the buyer on the day of the registry of the property.
Buyer and seller must cross-check the registry documents carefully because if there is any mistake made at the time of registry, then the rectification can be a very slightly expensive and lengthy process.
List of documents required on the day of registry:
Buyer: Buyer of property must bring a PAN CARD, AADHAR CARD, and four passport photos.
Seller: Seller of property must bring a PAN CARD, AADHAR CARD, four passport photos, all original, and all concerned documents related to that property.
We work in the convenience of our clients. If they want to close the deal as soon as possible, we can do so within 2–3 days. The standard time a buyer gets is 2-4 months.
You can call 9958-44-55-77 for high-quality professional property dealing services in Sector 36.
We charge a 1% commission on the total deal amount from the buyer's and seller's sides.
List of all documents of Rohini Sector 36 property:
1) FDR (First Deposit receipt) photocopy because original is deposited in DDA.
2) Allotment cum Demand Letter.
3) First Possession from INA office of DDA.
4) Physical site possession from Rohini office.
5) Lease of property.
6) Convenyence Deed/Freehold Documents of property.
In case of death of owner:
1) Death certificate.
2) SMC Certificate from MCD.
3) Relinquish deed from the registrar's office.
4) Mutation (transfer of owner) from the DDA office.