Rohini Sector 34 property dealer, also known as real estate agent or broker, plays a vital role in property buying and selling execution. Property dealing needs in-depth knowledge, expertise, futuristic approach, valuable inside, and market trends in-depth insights. We, as Adobo Housing, always strive to provide these valuable insights to our clients and investors to make prudent decisions and always give clarity about their funds by executing direct buyer and seller meetings so that there are no hindrances and lies. We have numerous property options in every category in Rohini Sector 34 for our valuable clients and investors. We act as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, always collecting property data like market trends, valuable insights from Delhi development authorities, market price, and neighborhood dynamics.
We, as property dealers in Rohini Sector 34, have all the skills and tools required in the property dealing industry. A property dealer is the one who helps in making prudent decisions and meticulously designing a property buying and selling strategy for his clients and investors. It is a skill that comes after many years of experience. Always find a property dealer with strong knowledge of the market and its trends. Most property dealers in Sector 34 Rohini are illiterate and don't even know how to make a very important document known as "Agreement to sell (Sale Agreement)." There are many laws and verdicts given by Indian courts, and we should learn from them and must follow them while executing an agreement to sell and must register it if that state has the law of registering the agreement to sell.
A property dealer in Rohini Sector 34 must follow all the guidelines made by the concerned state and various courts's verdicts given by Indian courts because it involves a huge amount. Buying a property means a buyer is going to invest a huge amount of money, which he might have earned in his whole life, so a property dealer should have enough knowledge to guide him and help him make a prudent decision. He must be knowledgeable enough to cross-check and verify the property documents and precisely prepare a perfect agreement to sell because an agreement to sell has many restrictions in the books of law.
Buying and selling a property in Rohini Sector 34 from property dealer or seller is a series of processes that we must follow in all the steps. We have listed below all the processes that can help property buyers and sellers before making their decision.
First of all, We explore the right property options coming from the right person at the right price for our clients and investors.
After exploring all the available options, we share with them the option to choose any property within their budget.
We arrange a site visit for a buyer and show them different options available with us.
When everything goes well, we arrange a direct buyer-and-seller meeting for 100% transparency.
We have to do negotiations from both sides and help the buyer and seller reach the right price.
The Conditional Token: If buyer and seller agree on a price, then we make a small payment, also called "Token Amount," starting from 25,000 by online payment method only. This token amount is conditional; it will be refunded in case any discrepancy is found in the process of cross-checking documents in concerned departments, and the original file will be checked at the time of Bayana Payment.
The cross-checks: This is the most important step of the whole process where we cross-check all the things from various departments, like,
A) We check from DDA if the file is clear or has any issues.
B) We check from the concerned registrar office if everything is ok and the seller is the real owner of that property.
This is a chargeable but optional:
26 Mtr Verification: Rs 3,500
32 Mtr Verification: Rs 3,500
60 Mtr Verification: Rs 5,000
On the day of Bayana, we make a 10% bank transfer payment to the seller and check the original file to see if all the checks are good to go.
We must clear all payments on or before the day of registry of property. On the day of full payment, the seller must bring the original file and all concerned documents to handover to the buyer.
On the day of registry, both parties must reach the registrar office 30 minutes before the execution of registry and must clear our dues on or before the day of registry.
As a property dealer in Rohini Sector 34, we help clients in Buying and selling property.
We cross verify in concerned departments if the owner and property documents are genuine.
Property buying, selling, and investments consulting guidance.
Collection of data from the market and do research on market trends.
Collection of data from the market and do research on market trends.
We save our clients and investors from prevailing frauds in Rohini Sector 34 Property Market.
We follow all the rules and verdicts given by various Indian courts, and we guide our clients and work accordingly.
We work on the "No Margin Policy" and block the financier's profit leakage and maintain 100% transparency by conducting direct buyer and seller's meetings.
Property Registration.
Investment Management.
Sale Deed, Lease Deed, and possession of property.
What is the contact number of the best property dealer in Rohini Sector 34?
You can contact Adobo Housing (9958-44-55-77) for crystal and clear property buying, selling, renting, and other property dealing works.
How much commission or fee is charged by the property dealer in Rohini Sector 34?
A property dealer charges 1% commission of the total value of property from the buyer and seller.
How can I buy or sell plots or property from a direct client in Rohini Sector 34?
ADOBO HOUSING offers direct property or plots for sale or purchase. We are working tirelessly to stop the financer's profit margin leakage and helping buyers and sellers to provide maximum benefits, which go to the financer in indirect client meetings.
How much time can a buyer get when he buys a property in Rohini Sector 34?
Standard payment time is 3 to 4 months, and if you pay early, like in the week or in the month, the prices of property can come down. We recommend opting for early registration of property to save yourself from unnecessary hassles.